Saturday, December 31, 2011

Since I have been assisting my dad in the posting of this blog, I thought I would do a little post myself!  I just wanted to share a couple of pictures and thank my dad for instilling in me the love of the outdoors and hunting.  And I'm grateful that my husband loves it too!  :)  We have had some fun experiences that past little while that just reiterates the fact that being outside and loving the outdoors is something that he has definitely put into us (me and my sisters.)  What's funny is when we were younger, we could take all the dance classes we wanted, just as long as we could take off the time to hunt with dad.  We could be girly, but we had to tough out those hunts with him too!  Having a family of my own now I definitely want them to love the outdoors, animals, and being with those they love camping.  Love you dad!  -Tiff

Here's me and my husband Kyle with my 2010 bull.  I had the most amazing experiences on this hunt.  I will remember it forever!

Here's Kyle and our boy Case this last spring Striper fishing at Lake Powell.  Grampa Troy took them along with his brothers.  Let me tell ya, this little boy will never forget this experience!